Monday, October 24, 2005

...well, if that's the way you feel...

Andrea, this blog is specifically directed at you.

I know that the whole "complain" inside joke started with you. However, it extends to everyone in our group who complains about anything, including myself.

Unless I specifically name a person as the subject of my joke, it's to be assumed that I'm speaking in a general manner; meaning everyone, not just you.

It could be said that there's a certain paranoia...maybe even some assuming that you are always the subject of my blog, or that you are always being singled out for not being told anything. I'm not GOING to say it's either one; I'll leave those details up to the public at large. I will say that you need to chill out. You seem to think there's this big thing where you aren't told about stuff that's going on in a purposeful manner, while everyone else is "in" on the information. That's not true.

It's certainly true that there are situations where not everyone is involved, and not everyone has business in knowing specifics. When those situations arise, I personally tend to act accordingly. I have kept information that you've shared with me confidential in the past, and therefore I do the same for other people as well.

That cryptic blog that I posted? Yeah, I didn't inform any living soul of what I was referring to. I've explained why to you already, but just so that you and everyone else knows:

@Everyone: There's a reason I didn't name names or explain what I was talking about. It was my way of venting without becoming part of the rumor chain. It's really that simple.

Stop jumping on me every time you "don't know" something, please. I understand that you are curious about almost everything that goes on, but there's no need to accuse me of being an asshole because of that.

Quilled Tunes: "You're So Vain" - Carly Simon


Blogger NixEclips said...

I don't know who this "Michelle" person is, but my site is WAY cooler.

Nix says: Check it out for discount cat furniture!

1:24 PM  

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