A message to the self-proclaimed "innocents"...
I've heard that Scuba Steve is being chastised for telling me and Heather the deal with last Saturday. This message is for THOSE people:
Listen, fuckers - don't be getting all pissed at Scuba for something YOU did wrong. You guys got caught in your little baby game lie, and now you're blaming Scuba for getting you in trouble. Wah wah wah! It's funny how everyone but a handful of people can't claim responsibility for their actions; instead, they've just gotta find a scapegoat, someone to shift the blame to.
Scuba did the right thing. He did right by Heather, if nothing else. He had the BALLS to be honest. You guys didn't. I've forgiven those who have apologized to this point, so this doesn't necessarily apply to them, unless they're giving Scuba trouble about it.
Point is, Scuba knows how to be both a friend and an adult. By faulting him for doing the right thing, you're only digging yourselves deeper into the category of the immature.
In short - SHUT THE FUCK UP. Leave Scuba alone. Stop being babies about it and own up to your own fucking mistakes already. "Innocent" my ass...
(I seem to have broken my promise; I posted about this situation AGAIN. However, since I was doing it to defend my good friend Scuba Steve, it's completely justifiable.)
P.S. Why is everyone forced to play this baby game time and time again? Maybe Scott's right - maybe when a limb goes gang-green and you can't save it or live with it, you need to severe it. Perhaps axing (dropping) people from our lives is the only way to stop all of this bullshit.
While both are valid points, I really only have one thing to say:
It's amazing that yet another Steve has become a scapegoat for a nasty situation.
Not to take the wind out of your sails or anything...
...but I never defended any of that stuff you guys mentioned. In fact, it WAS immature to do ALL of that, which is why I STOPPED doing things of that nature. I've made mistakes just like everyone else.
I haven't played a mean trick or scam since slightly after I got out of college. It was part of my New Year's resolution to grow up and be a better person and a better friend. The ONLY immature thing I partake in NOW is insult and satire, and even THAT I watch my tongue and cover my ass by asking if something is okay.
IF anyone has a problem with things I've done in the past enough to "drop" me as a friend, that is their choice. The only thing I can do from there is try to be a better person, as I am in the present.
So yes - I DO realize that I WAS immature in earlier times. I'm done with that now.
And just because I was immature in the past, it doesn't make it excusable for someone ELSE to do it. Immaturity is immaturity, plain and simple.
If you sought to prove that I was a hypocrite, well, I'm sorry...it didn't turn out that way. It would if I was still continuing things like tricking DeLarbar and making Beaver eat stuff - but I'm not.
I don't defend any of my past actions. I am accountable for them. Because of that, YOU guys are completely accountable for yours today.
I freely and fully admit it - I was one damn immature fuck. I'm not anymore.
The major difference between the two is that MY transgressions occurred in the past, while your's occurred in the present.
Stop trying to switch the focus away from the current situation. First, I hear Scuba's being made a focus, and now my past actions (which I can't change, though I wish I could) are being brought into play.
So to be honest? No - I would NOT do that to DeLarbar, and I would NOT think it was funny, and I would DEFEND DeLarbar or anyone else that it happened to.
You guys (and that's not directed at you, Scott and Heather) know so little about me it's scary.
I don't know who specifically is giving Scuba heat for "lack of social grace", just as I have no idea who was the plan-miester for the whole "Girl's Night That Wasn't REALLY A Girl's Night In The End" thing.
It could be just ONE person for all I know.
I heard it was happening, and posted in Scuba's defense. If you read it and you weren't guilty of it, it wasn't intended for you, plain and simple.
"And Steve, just admit it....we called you on your immaturity, and now you're trying to defend yourself or disprove our claims."
You either: A) don't know how to read B) are completely retarded or C) truly don't "get" it.
No. I didn't defend myself at all; I fully admitted I was WRONG for what I've done in the past. I didn't try to disprove ANYTHING.
My thing is - so what? I was a dick in the past, and I'm guilty of immaturity in my time. So what?
That doesn't change anything about the immaturity of others, and it doesn't excuse the immaturity of anyone else, either.
You could bring me an entire encyclopedia set of examples of when I was immature and dickish to people and it would all have absolutely NOTHING to do with the situation of this past weekend. It would NOT change the fact that it was wrong on everyone's part involved, and it would NOT excuse any of it.
I haven't done anything along the lines of what you mentioned for nearly two years, because I made a resolution to stop being that much of an asshole to people. I've KEPT that resolution. If I could take back all that stuff I did, I would, but I can't.
What other point could there possibly be for bringing up my times of immaturity and cruelty from almost TWO YEARS ago other than to draw attention away from the present situation?
Just to be clear - I admit that all those things I used to do were WRONG. I'm accountable for them. I don't condone those things, and have since then stopped doing things like that.
Like I said, not to take the wind out of your sails or anything...
"And I'm sorry to say it, but Beaver is right.
How is making someone eat human feces funny? Or making someone erase their entire hard drive?"
That whole 'kettle calling the pot black' can be thrown BOTH ways, you know.
But in THIS instance, it's a bit different. Let me explain:
You see, what YOU guys are talking about is hypocrisy - when a person who is guilty of mass immaturity accuses others of doing it themselves. Literally a kettle calling the pot black.
What we have here is different. In THIS scenario, we have a person who AT ONE TIME partook in mass immaturity, but has since STOPPED. Literally a FORMER kettle who has learned the err of his ways calling the pot black.
Bringing up all that old shit is no defense. It doesn't lessen anything, and it certainly won't change anything.
I've minded my own business. I've been practicing the 'live and let live' philosophy in all of this. I never felt the need to concoct a grand scheme to "get back at" anyone; I've been taking the MORAL HIGH ROAD, and have been very adult.
Heck, just now I could have cited examples of my own about certain people's immaturity and I didn't.
Why? Because when I fuck up, I admit it, and I don't try to hit anyone with "well, you did THIS and THAT this one time, so you're one to talk" in an attempt to make sure I'm not the only one under social scrutiny.
Moral high ground. You should try it.
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