Tuesday, April 19, 2005

...another post full of double (and triple) meanings...

THE party of the year is coming.

Heather’s “End of the Year”/ “Teacher of the Year” party for 2005, to be exact. In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, or are new, here’s the deal: every year, Heather (and I) host a huge party to celebrate the end of school year (because Heather’s a teacher). And every year, all in attendance have an awesome time. It will be on Saturday, June 11th, 2005. There will be lots of food, lots of drinking, and LOTS of fun. Heather will be emailing details out soon, and those of you who don’t have email will be informed via calls or word-of-mouth.

And now for a quick weekend recap:

Heather and I got a new living room setup, which includes a new bookcase for DVDs, and a 480 capacity CD shelf. New DVDs we bought are the Die Hard Trilogy and the Amityville Horror box set. Saturday night we saw the new Amityville flick with some people, and it was AWESOME! Jeremy and Matt went as well. It was good to see Posch, Kristin, Nix, and Hizzy. Sunday we went to the Zoo with Ben and Michelle.

Quill's Final Thought (of the Blog):

Civility is more than just existing side-by-side with another without acknowledgment or pleasantries; pretending like someone isn’t even there is just a non-confrontational immaturity. :)

Quill’s Ponder This:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; a peck of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? (AND – If Peter Piper did acid, would HE see God or people?)

How many licks DOES it take to the get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie-Pop?

Quilled Link(s) of the Blog:
  • The United States of Quilltopia
  • (Come check out my own personal nation…)

    Quilled Tunes: “Ugly Like Me” – Die Symphony

    Quote of the Blog: “Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge


    Word(s) of the Blog:

    jovial \JOH-vee-ul\ adjective

    1 capitalized : of or relating to Jove
    *2 : markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by jollity and conviviality

    Example sentence:
    Andy remembered his Uncle Jim as a jovial, easy-going gentleman with a ready smile, a firm handshake, and a cheery greeting for all.


    wiseacre \WYZE-ay-ker\ noun

    : one who pretends to knowledge or cleverness; especially : smart aleck

    Example sentence:
    A few wiseacres in the audience began heckling the young comedian after his first couple of jokes fell flat.


    bloviate \BLOH-vee-ayt\ verb

    : to speak or write verbosely and windily

    Example sentence:
    Maggie liked to turn on the news and watch the media pundits bloviate about the top issues of the day.


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