Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Guess the Guest-Stars from the Bug-Juice Blogger All-Stars (kind of)!

I've really been thinking to myself about things. And what I've thought about is that to me in my mind it is not that though which I thought. And you've really got to think about that. I really think that.

So what do I do? What would you do? Would you do what he would do? Should we do what they do? What do I do?

That's right, bitch...go ahead and suck your mother's twat and slurp up all that lovely amniotic fluid. In your mowf. With a timmy-tarded kill people smile, fuck-your-mothers!

Good morning everyone. I just woke up. It's midnight. Time to play guitar hero. I spent $500 on a micro-cheese grater that has a strobe-light in it. (Please just kill me...)


Well, I'm 40 going on 80, and because I've been through several painful life experiences, I know absolutely everything about what you're going through, and I don't have to apologize for anything I say, even if it's wrong, because it's only my opinion...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You just don't care about MY dick...hey! No fair! I don't wanna lose another game of tic-tac-toe, that's it! - I'm gonna throw my clothing against the floor in tantrum...

Hey guys, did you hear about this new dual-speed XVZ-2000 ultra-processor with real-time phase mechanics and 5 twillion-oogle-boogle-hertz of RAM built in?

Hye, everrybuddy, pleez join SPIT and hunt Bigfoott with me and see...I gotta stop typign, it makes me head hurt...

Have fun, everyone!...guess who!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rush out the front door in your skivvies and stop your sister!!!...NOW!!!

Kid, I love you, but don't treat people with near enough respect. Seriously. Arggh...

Memorial Day weekend was great, actually. Heather's "End Of The Year" party was good, even though some were missing and Heather was on the disabled list (she sprained/twisted/hurt her ankle and knee helping Ben and Michelle move). Buttershots are friggin' nasty, but some like them. Sunday was a barbeque at Heather's parents' house; there was weight-lifting, Nintendo, washers, softball, and lots and lots of charred meat. Yum. Yesterday I saw X-Men The Last Stand with Ben, Jeremy, Matt, Lisa, Jamie, and Beaver. It was pretty good, but with any comic book movie, they got some things wrong. Specifically Juggernaut. (He's not a friggin' mutant!) But hey, I guess the whole Cyttorak thing would have been too complicated to go into at this point in the series? I don't know; what I DO know is that my man Corey will not be pleased. At least he completely owned and punked Logan, which is only right and proper (I like Wolvie, but he's nothing compared to Juggernaut).

@Beaver: You did the right thing by not getting yourself arrested and working that double shift instead of leaving. I know how much you wanted to come to the party; rest assured there will be others like it. DO NOT try to use this as a bargaining chip to get more time off work; you need the money, they already did you a favor by letting you transfer back up to St. Louis, and you don't want to counteract any good points you earned taking extra responsibility. DO NOT give your job an ultimatum that you will only work until 12 or a set number of hours past your schedule. Despite the best intentions, those nuggets of advice do not fit your situation and would actually stand more of a chance at negatively effecting your job, which you need for resume reference and experience in your field. IF you feel you must say something to your boss about it, be civil and don't condescend, and be cool about it. Trust me.

Anyway, work is going great. Heather is now off for the summer. The house hunt continues, albeit slowly.

There's a program called "mugen" that allows you to "create" a 2-D fighting game in the style of Capcom/Street Fighter type things. You can import custom-built sprites and characters or characters from Mortal Kombat, Marvel Superheroes, SNK, Dark Stalkers, Street Fighter, etc. etc. This, of course, will be assimilated into QUILLCADE, and if possible, Bug-Juice characters like Spawn, Neo, Quill, Beaver, and Nix (among many others) will be created and put in there. Imagine Spawn vs. Spiderman, Quill vs. Ryu, Beaver and Nix vs. Scorpion and will be awesome, if it can be done. (We've always wanted to make a 'Juice fighting game; now it looks like we might be able to after all.)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Maturity: Kid Practiced, Mother Assumed

We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice -- that is, until we stop saying "It got lost," and say "I lost it." - Sydney J. Harris

Well, at least I was adult and apologized out of respect. Apparently, that's a difficult thing to do for some people, admitting when they're wrong. And just think - I didn't even owe anyone an apology. How appalling that I would expect such common courtesy...!

Ben and Michelle are moving into their new home this coming Friday. I haven't seen the inside yet, but the outside looks pretty nice. Hopefully, this house is everything they want and something they can be pleased and happy with. Congrats guys!

Also, Heather's end of the year bash is this Saturday. I know, I know, usually I advertise it on Quilled Scripts about a month in advance, but for some reason I just never posted about it before now.

The plan is to snag dinner at Tequilas, then back to our place for some free drinking, and then most likely going out to some sort of club or something, possibly M.P. O'Reilly's. The past few years, we've held the entire thing at our apartment, but our current downstairs neighbors complain about noise and they have a new baby, so rather than piss them off, we're changing it up a bit this time. Hopefully you all can join us!

You never really know how complicated house hunting can be until you dive into it. At least we know that when we find the "dream" house, it's going to kick all possible ass. Whether it comes with the house, or we have to build/buy it ourselves, I will have my "Quill Zone" basement - bar/party area, workout area, and, if room, theatre area (if there's no room, that'll be elsewhere). I won't bore you with all the details of my machinations - I want them to be somewhat of a surprise anyway, he he. QUILLCADE you guys already know about; there is much more to it than that. Right, Spawn? :)

Tonight, Matt has his high school graduation. I met this kid when he was 10 years old. Pretty unbelievable.

Last night was karaoke at Helen Fitzgerald's on Lindberg. Good news, both Nix and I got to karaoke for once, which we never do anymore; great news, Nix gave some girl his number, and she was genuinely interested, she made sure she had the right number and everything; bad news, the guy who runs the show at Helen's on Tuesdays has one of the most limited and shitty collections of songs I've seen. It's mostly just country, hip-hop, and oldies...not really my style. (In hindsight, I think I've been spoiled rotten with Murph's extensive and massive collection. You gotta admit, it's hard to beat those guys at Sight-N-Sound...)

Not much else to report. Movies and music are priming to explode, as in burning them from people. I need to get a big external drive to keep stuff on and use for transporting, as well as build the server for future purposes.

A brief word about Meatloaf: it is still moving forward. Right now, the script is almost done. I know we've been saying that, but it's true. Keep in mind that this thing will take some cash, so we're thinking if everyone were to set aside $1.00 per week and be willing to donate $4.00 a month, it would add up and really make a difference. This is completely optional, however, understand that if we do this, we might as well do it right and invest a little effort into it. Basically, the bulk of whatever cash would be going toward gore effects - fake blood, fake flesh, etc. There might be some other things, but mostly the effects.

Jay and Lissan are no more - which was old news even when Heather found out and told me not even a week ago. At least Lissan is free of that asshole's lies; the new girl Jay is fawning over in his blog, however, is not. Oh well, it's a guarantee that she'll be played and learn her lesson in the long run. Talk about leading a formulaic life! - meet a girl, pretend to be a good guy and get her "hooked" on you, have your fun, get bored, cheat on her for awhile before either dumping her or getting caught cheating, repeat. Forever.

@Lissan: Sorry you had to learn this the hard way. At least now the healing process can begin.

Now that I've typed you a book, I must take my leave once again. Stay safe, stay friendly, and stay mature (for those that maturity applies to).

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Heh. Ow, ow, stop...)

Quilled Tunes: "Falling" - Staind

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Not a flip-flop, but a friend-flop.

I claimed that I stand up for all my friends, blog or public, and I mean that.

With that being said...let us now let Hizzy off the hook. True, she did berate Nix, and that was a bad thing to do, but her intentions were not to be a bitch or anything, she was frustrated and just kind of snapped. Truth is, she cares greatly for Nix, and he knows that, even as pissed off as this has made him about it. Though misguided and mistaken, she is nonetheless sorry for hurting a friend, and I think that deserves some recognition in and of itself. Also, in light of the fact that there have been many great things done for Nix by Hizzy, despite the fact that she sometimes makes mistakes and inadvertently hurts or wrongs him, I think she should be granted a little slack.

I meant to stand up for Nix, and I did; but now it's morphing into somewhat of a public flogging of the Hizz, and color me crazy, but I don't really want my blog to be the arena for that kind of thing for anyone who doesn't really deserve it.

In fact, lemme say this about Hizz, if I may (and I may, because it is my blog, after all...he he): Hizzy might be overly-sensitive sometimes; she may be complainy at points; and yes, she has a reputation for being a rumor mill. But despite all this, she is, overall, first and foremost, a good person and a good friend. Her intentions are always well-meant, even if it might seem, at first, that they are ill-natured and selfish. This is the Hizzy as I have come to understand her.

@Nix: No, this doesn't mean I still don't think you were/are justified in being pissed. I'm just being a friend to Hizz like I do with you. (Because I'm a dick.) However you feel about this, I respect that and support it because it was your feelings on the line, and how you choose to ride it out or play it is completely up to you.

@Roxy: I formally apologize for disrespect. I was under the impression that it was just another peer of mine who didn't know the whole story. Although, I will tell you that I have always stood up for your daughter, and I have always tried to be a good friend to all, and I did attempt to keep Nix from driving home that night. Hopefully, this clears up any misconceptions about me for you. If not, I respect your opinions, but understand that I will defend myself if unwarrantedly called a "bad friend." (P.S. Thanks for checking out my blog, it's good to know there are readers out there. Rock on.)

@Spawn: Your short but to the point defenses in these matters are always appreciated, bro. Thank you. A million times.

@LP: Thank you for the back-up as well. (Whoever you are.)

@Hizz: Sorry if I made you feel shitty; I wasn't trying to guilt-trip you, I merely wanted to point out that even when you may feel I'm the reincarnation of the anti-Christ because of my insulting and smart-ass comments, I'm really not. At all. And I don't mind the rep; not everyone is going to like me, and I know that - I just also hold hope that those who I go to the mat for repeatedly might think twice about slapping that label on me so quickly.

So this is Quill, the dick of the universe, signing off until next time. Stay safe everyone and have a great day! (Because I'm a dick.)

Quilled Tunes:

"Rebel Yell" - Billy Idol

"You're My Best Friend" - Queen

"The Hand That Feeds" - Nine Inch Nails

Monday, May 22, 2006

Turns out, Beaver also bathes people in our group...

If you don't get the above reference, Beaver's current job is caring for the mentally challenged - retards, if you will - which includes bathing them. Which implies, correctly, that some in our group are actually retarded.

But hey, those who can't fight apparently cry for mom. Or something. Shut up, apparently it's some kind of parents week here on Quilled Scripts and I didn't get the memo...

Anyway, on to the newest DVD list:

Fear/Parents Double Feature (HAH! Parents! Funny!)
Do You Wanna Know A Secret?
Memorial Day
Hood Of The Living Dead
The Hollow
Hell Asylum
Dead & Rotting
Category 6: Day Of Destruction
Category 7: The End Of The World
Slumber Party Massacre II
When A Stranger Calls (newer version)

Hey, wait...I've got an idea. Oh wait, no, ow, ow stop. hunting continues. Heather's doing great in her classes. Everything is awesome. Oh, and I got a raise at work. Just a random sampling of some awesomeness going on.

Scott, email/call/message me so that we may pin down a time to chill.

Rate My Vomit (No, that's not a joke.)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Friendship 101 - Being A Friend

Anyone interested in taking this class? (Some might seriously need it. For real.)

Barbeque in Greenville was yesterday. Lots of good food, good fun, and good beer. I took home the championship in a three-man golf tournament, and then helped my team win victory in the softball game. Hell yeah.

Anyway, things are going well overall. The house-hunting continues. My workouts are awesome, I'm eating much healthier, my job (in my field, oh no, now I'm gonna die) is going spectacular, Heather continues to teach her class, she ACED both her classes this past term, her job is going wonderfully...

Went up to trivia night at O'Leary's with Nix this past Tuesday (finally). It was great seeing Willy, DeLarbar, Chuck, Hizzy, and Beaver. We stayed for about an hour and then left. Pretty competitive atmosphere just to snag gift certificates for a mediocre-at-best sports bar, but hey...

Green tea is good shit. Especially Arizona brand.

Laundry calls, and I must answer. And now for my final thought:

Remember kids, friendship is a two way street; you only get out of it what you give into it.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Say wha...???

(Below is a link. Go to it. Interesting stuff...who comes up with this "shit"?!)

You know, I just don't understand why Nix complains so much. I mean, his job is so fricking easy; a retarded chimp could do it. Why on earth would he complain over not being able to pay rent or buy food? Why would he complain about getting shitty people at demos, beyond all his control and effect, because the girls at the office aren't doing their job so he can make money doing his? Why on earth would he ever complain about THAT??

I just don't see why he's so down. I'm just fine! (And, remember, I took a class...I took a class.)

Again, when a friend is down, you don't chide and lecture them as if it's their fault and they have no right to complain; the proper and right thing to do is to just be a goddamned friend. Now, you would THINK that something like this is common knowledge and any idiot could grasp that concept. You would think that...but you'd be wrong. Hehe. Haha! Ow, ow, stop!...

Rate My Poo (Click on it.)

Who the hell comes up with this kinda idea??? Probably omellete lovers...


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Yeah, makes sense to me...

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.Re-post this if you believe love makes a marriage.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Line up to the rumor-trough, all you gossip-hungry people...

This is OLD news by now, but yes, Dave porked (as in fucked, boned, boinked, sex) Nix's sister. It is true what that little birdie is saying, if he's been chirping in your ears. No, we will not be changing the opening scene of Meatloaf.

A formal letter was sent to Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bolea with the following content:

"I'm coming for you LATER, Hulk Hogan!!!!! - Love & Kisses, Dave"

Pool was great fun last night, as was the guitar hero and bullshitting afterwards at Scott's. At the pool hall it was myself, Andy, Dave, and Scott. At Scott's it was him, me, and Dave.

BTW, that's not meant to make Robi or Dave look bad; kudos to them for having a good time and sharing a moment like that. Ow, ow, stop!...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Quilled Thought Of The Day:

When you eat or drink anything with honey in it, you're eating a substance that has been on the hairy rump, feet, and dipped in the saliva of an insect.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Quilled Questions Of The Day:

Just how much money did Matlock pay that black private investigator to infiltrate people involved in his cases? And what kind of P.I. in his right mind would keep accepting those kinds of jobs when ever other episode you get the living hell beaten out of you, kidnapped, or shot at? And really, what kind of a scenario do we have here - an elderly white guy in a suit having a black guy in jeans run around and do all the dirty work. Does anyone else think that seems racist, even a little bit?

Quilled BONUS Quote:

The Quilled Matrix