Sunday, June 19, 2005

...this is your brain...and THIS is your brain on DUMB...just say NO to dumb...

What is it about controversy that makes it so darn apt to come to pass?

@Beaver: I'm so sorry...I wish you didn't have all that pressure on you, much less have to continue to deal with the mass immaturity/stupidity of certain individuals.

I'm not just talking about inter-group shit. I'm also including national and global scale debacles as well.

Why? You'd think common sense would kick in at some point...hell, even common DECENCY.

Some right-wing asshole now proposes the ideal to repeal the 22nd Amendment - the one that limits a President to only serving a maximum of two terms in office - which might mean more of good ol' George W. Bitch.

The only motivation I can think of for this is: We've run our once-great nation to the brink of ruin and disgrace - why not finish what was started and let Monkey McStupid (Bush) stick around?

Ah least I have Gravity Kills, Hednoize, Celldweller, Fear Factory, and Nine Inch Nails to help sooth the savagery that flows throughout my everyday life. :)

Quilled Tunes: "Sunspots" - Nine Inch Nails


Blogger Scott said...

You might have all of it now, but for how long?

10:13 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

I suppose that depends on what you're referring to, sir...

Elaborate and enlighten, please.


11:24 AM  

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