...I am calling everyone I know out RIGHT NOW...
I posted this on Hizzy's latest blog (as of this moment in time anyway) directed at Jess "Phoenix":
Jess - I don't mean this in a harsh way, but it's the cold hard truth of the matter. Bush is going to continue pursuing these wars; after Iraq, it will move to another country. It will continue, and it's a possibility that Justin, your husband, could be killed as a result of it. He'd be dead, Jess. And it wouldn't be a death that needed to happen. Peter would then be without a father. Jobs will continue to disappear in the U.S., and our nation will deteriorate even further. Isn't the life of your husband, the future of your son, and the good of our country reason enough to put your vote to GOOD use, instead of voting for "Inu-Yasha"? I know you may not like Kerry, and you're afraid of things getting worse, but why in God's name would you just let Bush be re-elected, KNOWING that he is going to fuck us even worse? I sincerely hope you wake up...this is an election where it actually MATTERS who we put in office, for the good of everything we know. Voting for "Inu-Yasha" is NOT going to make a difference, if anything, it's giving up and letting Bush take more fathers from their children and get them killed overseas. PEOPLE ARE DYING AND IT IS BUSH'S FAULT; WE CAN STOP HIM, BUT TO DO THAT IT HAS TO BE JOHN KERRY. Wake up, please, if nothing else but for Peter Stamper's sake.
I care about more jobs in our nation. I care about our president putting America first. George W. Bush is not doing that. He is fueling and pushing a war that just doesn't need to be fought anymore. People are dying. Our soldiers are being killed over there. Children in the U.S. have lost their fathers because of this war, because of something that didn't need to continue this far. Because of Bush's actions, some children won't even know their fathers. I will be the first to say this: If I don't vote, if I don't try to get that bastard out of office, I am going to be personally responsible for another soldier dying, for another job gone to overseas outsourcing, another grandmother denied her medicine because she can't pay for it. The same goes for each and every one of you. I don't care who you think you are; this applies to EVERYONE.
Many people say that Kerry might not be any better. They think, "Kerry might fuck it up even worse, so why even bother, go with what we know, at least it won't get much worse." You're wrong; Bush is going to make it worse, in big ways. He is NOT the person that should have EVER been elected president. At least with Kerry, there's a chance, no matter how small it is, that he won't fuck it up, that he will make things right and better. With Bush, we KNOW that he is going to keep doing what he has been doing; being a terrible, horrible president.
Voting for a third party, unfortunately, is not going to get rid of Bush. It's a known and proven fact that a vote for a third party is a vote for the current president. I'm sorry to anyone that likes the Green party, or whatever, but all you are doing is taking votes away from Kerry and giving Bush the edge. The only thing you're doing is helping Bush stay in office, helping this shit to continue, helping more soldiers die. Voting for "Inu-Yasha" or a famous actor on the ballot is the same thing; it's throwing your vote away. No matter what, it's wasteful, it's shirking your responsibility to your country and your fellow Americans.
I like to let people make their own calls. But in this instance, I wish I had the power within me to force this issue. But I don't. For those who haven't registered to vote, please do. It doesn't take anything to do it, you don't have to pay to do it, it takes no time at all, it's not an inconvience, you spend more time taking a shit or pumping your gas!!!! This is not a joke, this is not the time to say "I don't feel like it", if you never vote again in your entire fucking lives, THIS has to be the time when you do!!!! Don't you people see how bad things are going to get?!
For those of you that ARE registered, wake the fuck up and vote for John Kerry, give our nation and our troops a fighting chance.
This is it. This is the whole basis for democracy in the first place, what makes us free, what makes our nation great. The freedom to elect a leader who is right and just and won't get us all killed. This is a basic right that our very nation was founded upon. All of our ideals come down to this: we currently have a leader that is royally fucking us; he needs to go. Only we can fire this guy. Ignoring it and not caring and 'being too busy' is NOT an excuse this time. I didn't get to vote last election; but I'm sure as hell going to vote in this one. This is one that counts.
I challenge all of you, everyone that I know and love and call friend or enemy to grow the stones to actually do something and make a difference. If you want to see our country go to hell, and have thousands of brave citizens DIE for NO REASON other than one person's 'war on terror', don't vote. For those of you in college; if you want to have to live through the hell that I had to, struggling to find a job for TWO YEARS when there just isn't anything out there, don't vote. If you want to see children who never know their fathers; if you want to see the freedom of speech - OUR freedom of speech - ripped apart by the seams until we can't even speak our minds to each other; if you want to SEE THE WHOLE GODDAMNED DEAL GO DOWN IN FLAMES, I dare you fuckers not to vote!
Please, prove me the fuck wrong, take me down, show me that I am wrong and that all of you, ALL OF YOU, give a fucking shit about your lives and the lives of those around you. Vote. For god's sake, GET BUSH OUT OF OFFICE.
You don't know how hard it was to find a job for me. TWO YEARS. And with a bachelor of science at the cutting edge of my field, with honors no less. Two years, giving it everything that I had, everything I could think of. Going full steam ahead, struggling every day. I know first hand where Bush's priorities lie, I've lived it; and IT'S NOT OUR COUNTRY. I finally got lucky this summer; but there are people out there that still can't find work. It's our economy. Our economy is the way it is because of Bush; he isn't doing anything to fix it, he's too focused on fighting his little, useless, pointless war. He doesn't care about our country, don't listen to the lies in his ads. If he cared, he would have cared long before now. He's only trying to keep his job, and he will do anything and say anything to keep it.
Please. Please. A thousand times, please. Do it for whatever reason you think is best. Find a reason to care. Please.
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