Tuesday, September 07, 2004

...in response to being a 'hit and run friend'...

Hey guys…how was your Labor Day? Mine was good, signed up for my BMG music club, barbequed, went to dinner with the parental units, had an overall good time.

Amber, I’m sorry if my absence from your party offended you. It was nothing against you. Andrea, just remember our little chat – sorry if I was harsh on your blog. Beaver, we’ll hang next time you’re in town, sorry things were so crazy this weekend. Erich, we obviously have things we need to talk about. If you like, contact me in some way and we will try to work things out…hey, I’m willing to if you are.

Now, on to today’s topic… I’ve gotten angry with certain people in the past for certain events, and have carried the grudge with me; I did this because the damage to the friendship was too great, and the betrayal was HUGE. However, we’re living in some scary times, and people are being sent to war when they don’t have to be. People are at risk of dying, people who have families here in the states. It’s insane. I’m not blind to the fact that no matter what grudges I have against a person, if they get sent away to risk their life I should damn well support that person and keep them in my prayers. I don’t have to like them, I don’t have to trust them, but it’s a matter of “you are risking your life for your country, for all of us here in the USA, and I wish you safe return to your family.” I’m not the kind of person to let a grudge stop me from that. On top of that, additional bad shit was going down, to which I thought to myself “Look, Steve…you don’t like this guy, and you have valid reasons, but it’s no reason to be heartless and inhuman about it; what if that was you? You would need a friend, even a former friend, to let you know they were with you during this hard time.” And so, I did just that. Then, I find out that I “can go fuck myself” or something. Well, excuse the fuck out of me!! Some people are too stupid to recognize genuine support for them. Some people are just plain ignorant when it comes to common courtesy. Some people would slap the hand away of a person trying to help them out of a hole of bad stuff. Pride, ignorance, anger, I don’t care WHAT the excuse for being that way is…if I was able to put my differences with you aside and take the initiative and send some love and prayers and support your way when I DIDN’T FUCKING HAVE TO, you should be able to at least be grateful for it. You don’t have to accept it, but you are required to be grateful. But, I guess this could explain why so many of your friends turned their backs on your in the first place, right? The following post, quoted exactly, is what spurned this (from a former friend “Shark”):

“Something that just drives me crazy is a hit and run friend. That is somebody that was a good friend and just stopped calling and coming by for no reason.Doesn't talk to you for two or three years and then emails you on how sympthic they are to your situation or how they support you.
Bullshit!!!The true friend is the one that never turned thier backs on you,the ones that were there with you in the dark times.The ones that took you in when you had no place to go,The ones that would give the very clothes off of thier back to keep you warm.That is a FRIEND!!!
It doesn't matter where you are in the world a true friend is still at your side and has your back.
At least here I can face my attackers.” (From a blog entitled “Hit and run friends”)

Just so there’s no confusion, I didn’t send my support for recognition; at no moment did I ever want or expect people to say “Steve, you’re a really great guy for doing that, good for you!” I also didn’t even want or expect “Thanks for the support man…that means a lot” from you. But I sure didn’t deserve “fuck you, Steve” for my troubles. I’m not the Wal-Mart of support, giving discounted prices to everyone on the street; also, sending my support to you took some swallowing of pride, given past history and the fact that you think you’ve done nothing wrong. So you tell me, what’s your little definition of a true “friend” supposed to prove, that you’re an asshole? That post was damn disrespectful, I don’t care who you think you are. I could go into all the times I “had your back” but at this point, that would be a waste of words on you. It’s actually pretty funny how you preach about being a good “friend”…to me, I think a true friend – hell, a good person in general – would swallow even the biggest of grudges and pride to see past it all, and do and say what should be done and said. I hate admitting it, but I was right about you, which is why we don’t talk anymore. Stupid me, I thought you were better than that.

I still send my support and prayers for you, because no one deserves to die and be alone in the face of certain death and injury. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. But, next time someone sends you support, be a man and a person and give thanks for that, instead of taking the “fuck you, you weren’t there for me before, why now?” attitude. Accept a little support when it’s given. At least I can say that I did something wholesome and good in that situation, how about you? However, with all that being said, my closing statement is this: Get home safe, yes; have a wholesome and rich life with your family, yes; God bless you and keep you in his heart, yes; but FUCK YOU all the same for being the way you are about all this, and fuck you for your ungratefulness.

Sorry about that …ungratefulness just pisses me off. I’m sure I’m not the only one that would be pissed off by that post, either.

Anyway, I have lots of CDs to get in the next few months. I need to pick up Drowning Pool (both albums), the new Chevelle, the new hed (PE), Static-X, Fear Factory, the new Papa Roach…and my continuing quest for horror flick DVDs, as well as a selection of other DVDs like action movies, comedies, anime, etc. Basically, some tactical entertainment budgeting will be in order. Got to love the end result, though.

I’m out for now. If you haven’t already, give me a comment on my “Juice Wars” post from a couple of days ago, I’m curious to see what everyone thought of it. Dave, Scott, I’m mainly curious to see what you guys thought. Beaver, too. Give me a comment, guys. My original ranking of Justin (Stamper) needs something…Rank: 7, higher depending on his training in the Marines. Oh, and I also forgot to include Erich:

I think Erich would be a solid 7.5 Rank. He has a size advantage; he’s quick for a guy his weight and height, and he also can get pretty enraged sometimes. Rumor has it he also has quite the right-hook, boxing style. Plus, he would be another that, while lacking in raw power, has cognitive fighting on his side, which is a big deal when it comes to this kind of fight.

Quote of the Blog: “A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.” – Herb Caen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Dave. Look.....The man has had a damn grudge for his reasons. Do I know those reasons? I have a hunch it has something or "someone" misunderstanding what kind of situation they're in. I'm not siding with "him", but, what I know about this situationa and it's possible entirety, there's no way in hell I can side with you. It has nothing to do with our past. It has everything I believe in. I have yet to find out all of Joe's details on the "injustices" that were done to you. And, unfortunately for you, the one fighting for my country right this moment hasn't lied to me about anything serious.

3:19 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Well...THAT'S certainly off-topic for this post. But a cool anouncement all the same. November 8th shall be good, but I still wanna see Scarlet Whore...

8:17 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

I don’t expect anyone to side with me. I didn’t post this topic to rally anyone to my side. My journal is the place where I vent and write about thoughts I have, I don’t use it to try to sway public opinion. I could care less if everyone I know disagrees with my opinion of Joe Dimitro. Like I have stated before, I have personal reasons for not wanting to be the guy’s friend anymore, and those reasons have nothing to do with anyone else. True, the other guys don’t like Joe either, but that has nothing to do with me; they dislike Joe for their own reasons. I never lobbied to have everyone hate Joe; Joe lost his friends because of the way he treated them all. Maybe you don’t feel that way about him, but a lot of others do. I’ve told you this, but you choose not to accept it. And as for you siding with Joe, well…how does shit between Joe Dimitro and me concern you? I mean, if he needs friends in this time in his life, great; YOU do that job, if it’s really that big a deal to you. I’m not required to do that job if I do not wish to. I really am failing to see why a side needs to be taken by anyone. It's not like I'm the last friend Joe could ever have and he's going to die without me. It's not even like he even would WANT to accept my friendship IF I gave it to him, as he made very obvious. So, my question is: What's your deal, Dave? Why do you care? (I honestly wish to know, I'm curious.)

As Phoenix said, it takes a lot of maturity to extend an olive branch to someone that you don’t like at all, for the sake of being a human being. It also takes maturity to accept said olive branch when it is given. Well, guess who wasn’t mature in this exchange? I’ll give you a hint: it sure as hell isn’t me. My olive branch has been sent back with a ‘fuck you’ attached to it. And so, I wrote on it in my journal. By all means, you can voice your opinion, too, but don’t make it sound like I’m trying to pull something or persuade you into anything.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

By the way, I DO respect the fact that he's fighting for his life and his country right now. That's the whole reason I emailed him in the first place, out of major respect. Just acknowledge that fact, please.

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

November 8th is Jeremy's birthday so i will have to be at my parents house to celebrate with him and my family.


(Hell i just wanted to post a comment!) Jessica, i love what you wrote in response to "Hit and Run Friends."

3:35 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

After I was married,with having chosen you as one of the very few to stand at my side,it was like there was a ban on me.No one hardly called or came over,my calls went unanswered.True that I was working and had a newborn,but still a call would have ment so much.What the hell did I do wrong,have a family?Not be able to go and party at the last second?The point when we stopped being friends,in my eyes, was when I was told that you wished that I was going to get my ass handed to me while over here.Now that may not be such a big thing to you but to me that means you hope for me to die.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Well, that was said the wrong way, and taken even worse. I won't go into huge detail here, but that situation with Kenny had A LOT to do with why I stopped calling. Now, keep in mind, the OTHER guys stopped calling for their OWN reasons; I had NOTHING to do with that. But anyway, I will email you soon with the full explanation...

5:47 AM  
Blogger Shark said...


5:58 AM  

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