Thursday, July 08, 2004


Sometimes what people view as the most peaceful and accomodating thing has the most dangerous things boiling under the a volcano, pressure builds and then...a possible explosion.

Everyone has this capability. This "dangerous" side that would not be denied if unleashed. Everyone is a threat because of this, and everyone else should beware of the beast that lurks within, especially when we're pissed off and likely to break limbs and jaw.

I believe that in our own minds, we cannot be stopped. The beast inside us will conquer all and leave our enemies lying in our wake of rage and destruction.

Or maybe we just believe that we are all formidible and forces to be reckoned with.

Let's just say--and this includes myself first and foremost--that threats of violence have been very hollow as of late, from everyone. Transparent...without real substance or seriousness. Perhaps I should take them seriously, but fuck it. Like I said: we're all badasses in our own minds, but that certainly doesn't make it fact.

You have no idea what boils beneath the surface.


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