Wednesday, August 17, 2005

...everything's coming up Quilled...

The answer to last week's mind-boggling riddle can be found >>>HERE<<< .

You may or may not have noticed the mutations occuring here at Quilled Scripts over the past few weeks. Actually, it's more of an evolution-in-progress than mutation.

- If you look to your upper-lefthand corner, you'll see the new Quilled Scripts "watermark", which follows you throughout the blog.

- If you look to your right, we now have Java-script drop-down links, bi-atch! [Soon, all the links will be like that, allowing for many, many more options that take up a lot less room.] ;)

- And, if you look for them, there are subtle little changes that just Quillify this bad boy even more...

However, if you go to the drop-down menu entitled "The Quilled Trinity", you'll see that Quilled Scripts will now be available in three online journal formats! That's right - Blogger, Xanga, and LiveJournal versions. Why, you ask? Well...why not? ;)

The Xanga and LJ versions will obviously go through their own evolutions down the line.

The Evolution is now. The Evolution is Quill!

Quilled Tunes: "Change (In The House Of Flies)" - Deftones


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