Monday, August 08, 2005 with analogies, and the 3rd post today...

Fishing can be a wonderful activity, at least when you get a nibble or two. :)

It's gotta be the better bait I have available to me now, ya know? Just waitin' to bag me the big one...

Oh, and mountain climbing can be a somewhat gratifying experience as well, provided that all your climbing efforts actually get you somewhere, and you don't have rocks falling on your head the whole time.

*Creed - "Higher" plays in the background*


I think that's enough with the cryptic-ness for today. He he.

The mp3 archive is coming along nicely. I'm about to just give up on renaming things to the format that I like and just getting them sorted and on there. Just to bring you all up to speed, THIS is what I like:

Artist Name - Song Title

...and this is an example of what I find...annoying:


However, there's a large bulk of mp3s that I'll be archiving with the latter of the two file formats, and I think it's more trouble than it's worth to manually go in and replace the underscores with spaces and capitalize the first letters...more trouble, and very time consuming. I think I've pretty much decided to either: A) Live with the annoyance, or B) find a program that will fix the problem for me, so I don't have to do it manually. If any of you out there have any ideas for me about said program, they would be greatly appreciated...

Speaking of music...the 3-track "Head Like A Hole" halo is now mine.

Things on my end of this whole "porn empire" are pretty much done, until I get handed more pics by people to throw into it. Scott has been having computer issues (as he always does...poor guy), and as such his end of the videos has come to a grinding hault. Something will eventually be done about it, and not just for the P.E. project.

Other than all that...things have been pretty mellow. Amber is still doing that collage of all my signature characters (Spiderman, Sonic, Goku, etc.), for which I am much appreciative. Amber's a pretty cool friend - it's a shame she got drop-kicked for rightfully sticking up for herself. Oh well - definitely their loss. (That's all I'll say about that subject.)

This past Saturday we had people over for movies - and then didn't watch movies at all. In attendance were Scuba, Joe, Jason, Ben, Michelle, Amber, and John. It was a pretty awesome time, just sitting around, cracking jokes, discussing varying topics, and without the usual drama. Good times!

Hizzy has been doing a really good job with posting fresh topics of discussion on the Bug Juice Mega-Forum [] lately...and I thought she deserved a little recognition for it. Hizz, you da man!...uh...not really, but you know what I meant. I hope. :)

The word of the day is 'horror', ladies and gentlemen...horror movies to be precise. To be even MORE precise, horror movies are what I want for my birthday (August 2oth). Not that I'm seriously expecting anyone outside of family to really buy me presents - but if someone did, it'd be cool as hell and greatly appreciated. ;)

Speaking of my birthday - August 19th is more than likely going to be at our place. There will be uber-drinking, awesome music, that wonderful little thing I like to call 'a total and complete euphoria of fun and excitement' know, the usual stuff that goes on when we host a gathering at our dwelling. I hope to see you all there (as many of you that can swing it).

Don't forget to have your passports stamped on your way out of the blog...and I'll see you next time, same Quilled place, same Quilled time.

Quilled Tunes: "It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock-N-Roll)" - AC/DC


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