Sunday, February 27, 2005

Quilled Scripts - Sunday Edition - Feb. 27th, 2005

Sorry about the lack of updates, guys. Here's what's going on:

Corey's benefit was last night. Most everyone was there. It was announced the Corey has officially beaten testicular cancer; congratulations to Corey!

I was told Friday morning by my boss that they're getting ready to give me a lot more to do around the office jobs-wise. Which means more pay is forthcoming. That is the best news! :)

And finally, there's a new Bug Juice forum up, The Bug Juice Mega-Forum. Basically, the KOQ, Evil Questions, and other Bug Juice forum is being amalgamated there. I will have more on this in tomorrow's blog, but for now, enjoy.

My lovely wife, Heather, has joined the blogging world. Welcome, baby!

Quilled Tunes: "My Sacrafice" - Creed


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