Monday, July 19, 2004


Sometimes I wonder to myself why I seem to be more and more intolerant of people and their stupidity and stupid ways of thinking and doing things as of late.  Certainly, I've been tolerant--no, oblivious and able to ignore fits more adequately--of it all in the past.  So why the problems now?
I think the problem is: we've really reached the point where it's way past time for stupidity like this to be over and done with.  As I'm sure everyone thinks "god, why can't we be more adult about this shit now" it's very true to a fucking fault.  I mean, my god...the bullshit that I've observed in the last few months is mind-boggling!!  As is the M.O. for my blog, I shant name any names, but those who I've talked to KNOW the kind of shit I'm referring to and the people involved therein.
It's just some people are never going to move past the high school/adolescent mentality of things.  And wouldn't you know it, there's more of them than the ones that HAVE moved past it, into some version of maturity and adulthood and, hell, common fucking sense!!  At least, a more socially graceful state of being if not maturity itself.  And no, I'm not talking about success in job and life--that shit comes and goes, like the wind--like ka, if you want to think of it that way (if you don't know what ka is, read Stephen King's Dark Tower series; you won't be sorry, excellent book)--and even the most mature people have had down and out periods with things.
Anyway, all revelations and hero-worship, not-so-right weddings, prevented heart-broken suicides, and post-grieving solicitations and obesity-involved heroic speeches with the normal people ain't so bad!  Props to my brothers and sisters in the Juice keeping it real.
Ahh goes on, I suppose I could just say fuck it and let them burn, eh?  Not my style though...


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