...a trinity of surprise!; some humorous things...
One of the signs of the apocalypse – I believe it’s number four or maybe six – has come to pass.
Last night, Hizzy’s trivia team got the lowest score in O’Leary’s in…80’s metal music. Which means Hizzy missed 10 out of 15 metal-related questions. Shit like that is just wrong. Unnatural. That’s like Nix turning down a screening for a horror flick. Or Scott turning down porn. Or me not taking a wide-open shot to insult someone or something.
Hizzy thinks she’s going to get razzed on for this. I don’t think so. Even hardcore uber-metal-heads have their off-days, right? Besides, they fought back with a 10/10 win in a different music category, so it all evens out. I just wanted to post about it because – well – something like that will probably never happen again; one of those once-every-Eon type deals.
Beaver played the Anti-Bush Video Game…and now has a solid idea of why I am so adamant about all this political stuff. That makes two people (Scott and Beaver) who previously were annoyed by my ranting and didn’t really know too much about it, and now definitely are on board, even if it’s not vocally. I guess that’s another impossibility that has come to pass.
@Beaver: Thanks for taking the time to check that shit out, dude. I know it just makes you sick to your stomach, too…trust me.
Continuing our diatribe on impossibilities: George W. Bush has accepted responsibility for the Federal government’s abysmal response to Katrina.
Now, just to clarify – he doesn’t mean it. He’s saying it to try to raise his all-time-low current approval rating (and sadly, people will be foolish enough to buy it and it’ll work). He’s “taking one for the team” so to speak – taking a bullet for the rest of the administration and the federal government in general. After all, he’s now a lame-duck president, and nothing short of an impeachment-level atrocity would kick him out before his clock is up. If it wasn’t for the fact that so many questions are being asked; if it wasn’t for the fact that so much concentration is on this thing; if it wasn’t for the fact that he desperately needs a higher approval rating…he wouldn’t be admitting any kind of fault or taking responsibility for anything. That’s the kind of president he’s proven to be: don’t admit fault for anything – even when wrong – unless you have no other choice.
However, I love that the fascist little prick has been forced to do it anyway. I love that he’s been forced to take responsibility for SOMETHING. Victory for the liberals (a.k.a. the moral side)! Suck on it, you donkey-raping, neo-con bastard!!
If death comes in threes, then so do unexpected events as shown. Wow.
It seems that I’ve gotten Hizzy hooked on LiquidGeneration. Cool! Now for Part 2 of the yet-undetermined number of quizzes that I’m going to post:
Which Movie Hero Are You?
Quilled Final Thought Of The Blog:
Fuck yawls milk! GURFLE!! \m/ (Click On Me For More Laughs; especially you, Nix.)
Quilled Tunes: “Let’s Get It Started [Retarded]” – Black Eyed Peas
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