The Riddle (again), and more fun with definitions
Once again, it's time for fun with words/definitions! The words that I post here hold relevance to various situations and people I interact with or elude to in my life and here on Quilled Scripts. See if YOU can figure out which words reference what:
puerile \PYUR-ul\ adjective
1 : juvenile
*2 : childish, silly
gruntle \GRUN-tul\ verb
: to put in a good humor
schlemiel \shluh-MEEL\ noun
: an unlucky bungler : chump
distemper \dis-TEM-per\ verb
: to throw out of order
For those of you who just joined us:
A couple of weeks ago, I created a riddle and posted it here on Quilled Scripts. The idea was to give the Quillmaniacs [fans of my blog] something to do while I was on a mini-vacation with family, and challenge them to post their best guesses on the answer. The riddle was awesome and a resounding success, as it successfully fooled everyone (as is the function of a riddle, duh!).
The answers I got were very interesting, and as a bonus, we got to find out that there are several people who read my blog that are completely obsessed with this whole Erich situation - so much so that they automatically assumed the answer to a simple riddle was, in fact, Erich himself. [Just read the comments; the truth - and proof - is right there in blue and black.]
Since the last one went over so well, I have created ANOTHER riddle. I originally was going to post the answer on Monday, but I think my little Quillmaniacs are going to need the extra time to ponder this one, especially since the last one stumped them so badly. Keep in mind, these riddles are completely my own imagination; they're not being taken from any other source. Once again, here's the riddle:
"I have a start; I have an end.
You can't see what's around my bend;
Yet I travel straight, just like a wire;
My pace is steady, I never tire...
But, sometimes, I come full 'round.
I weave countless tales, yet utter no sound.
What am I?"
Get those hampsters moving in those wheels, guys - and best of luck, Quillmaniacs!
Quilled Tunes: "Ain't My Bitch" - Metallica
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