Friday, March 25, 2005

...tire trouble; "get over it"; NEW, ORIGINAL feature...

This morning was interesting. My tire was flat, and I had to have it towed to a Dobbs up the street to either patch the tire or replace it. I could have had the towing guy put the spare on for me, but I would end up having to take it somewhere anyway, and have them put a new one on for sure if I did that. I figured this way was possibly cheaper and makes it so neither Heather or I are bothered with it this weekend. (The back tires have needed replacing for quite some time, in my opinion, so it’s not like this is a total shock.)

Some people need to learn to let things go and get over it. There are multiple examples I could give as examples, each in completely different situations; but the message of “get over it” still shines true in all of them. Besides, mystery is good for you. Those who need to know will be told. I will say this, to ALL parties concerned: If you really don’t care, why bitch about/dwell on it? Think about it.

Picked up “Hot Shots” and “Hot Shots Part Duex” the other night. Aside from the “Naked Gun” movies, it’s a guaranteed laugh riot.

“War – it’s fantastic!” *huge smile*

Dave’s ‘guy’s night’ is tonight…and no one knows what the hell is going on. That’s because Dave never specified anything he wanted to DO, and just said he wants to “hang out”. Where and when is still up in the air, and I will try my best to figure it out and let people know. Tomorrow is supposed to be the ‘everyone’ thing for Dave’s birthday…and, much like tonight, everything is up in the air. I think it’s safe to say that we lost the category of “best planning.”

In closing, a new feature to Quilled Scripts (as feature-premiere seems to be trendy right now)…

Quill’s Final Thought (of the Blog):

Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, another angle or twist makes itself known. Expect nothing but the unexpected.

If anyone wants to use this idea, hey - it's a free country with free speech. Nothing stopping you, go for it! But you saw it here first... ;)

(P.S. I don’t want to hear it, Hizzy – this is not the same as a ponderous question. I was emulating Jerry Springer’s “Final Thought”, NOT your “Hizzblog”.)


Quilled Tunes: “Remanufacture” – Fear Factory


Word of the Blog: amalgamate

amalgamate \uh-MAL-guh-mayt\ verb

: to unite in or as if in an amalgam; especially : to
merge into a single body

Example sentence:
The three companies will be amalgamated into a single
large corporation early next year.

And now, a serving of TRUTH:

  • Tell Congress To Stop Grandstanding on the Schiavo Tragedy

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