...something that I shouldn't even have to talk about; I can't believe I'm even HAVING this kind of conversation at this point...
“You cannot handle the fact that people are finally starting to realize that the world will not end if you arent around. Thats why you give others so much shit. Erich doesnt come around as much, so u belittle him and talk about him. The same thing with Joe Dimitro. It seems like you get hard-on about the fact that people "need" you. If people finally realize that your presence is not a necessity, it takes power away from you and you cant handle that.”
This was recently said, about me. This is a perfect example of what I talked about so many posts ago about people thinking they know what I’m all about, but really not having a clue.
1) On why I give people shit: I’m a smartass. I don’t often think before I speak. It’s really that simple. Now, if you mean, “why do you give Erich or Joe so much shit”, I can explain those reasons easily, and have on many occasions. However, it’d be beating a dead horse to some people, and they may not want to hear it, so if anyone is curious, ask and I shall explain individually.
2) On people “needing” me and power: I am not friends with people because they “need” me. I don’t want to have power or influence over anyone or anything. It’s not my fault that the case happens to be that I am at the epicenter of certain things.
Intermission for venting: Jesus FUCKING christ! I shouldn't even have to HAVE a conversation like this, at this point in my life! This is the highest example of high-school bullshit if I ever saw one...I just want to say that I hate the fact that I'm even having to deal with this. So I'm going to visit a guy, who the fuck cares? Why does it HAVE to be about jealousy and "you hold his friendship over mine"?! Why does it HAVE to turn into an issue at all?! I mean, for fuck's fucking sake! Shit like this makes me want to vomit; it's really played out at this point. I can't please everyone; I'm the ONLY fucking person I know that can piss off a number of people BY DOING NOTHING AND GOING ABOUT MY OWN DAMNED BUSINESS!! It's not as if I woke up one morning, and thought to myself, "Gee, I'll bet going to visit Campo before he moves across the country would really piss Beaver off...let's do it." Talk about feeling like a babysitter sometimes, god damn! Can we say, "Well, where was I?"...sound familiar to anyone? It's also funny how I'm just one of the people in the group, none of which have EVER gone down to Cape to visit Dan, yet WHO gets bitched out for it? Who's even held RESPONSIBLE for other people not visiting when he shouldn't be, when it isn't his fucking fault? Fuck, not even ERICH has gone down there, and Beaver's his best man.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled, REASONABLE (diplomatic) Quill.
@Beaver (if he even reads it): I can understand you being pissed about the visiting thing; obviously, it's important to you. But you’ve got to understand, this is a special case, the man is moving to California, we won’t get the chance to see him a lot. On top of that, once I knew it was a big deal to you, I offered (and am serious about) coming down there to visit. You need to be a little more understanding, flexible, and fair about this matter. Other people may see your point about me visiting Campo instead of you as being unfair; I do not. It’s a different situation. You always come home, and you never seriously ask to be visited. Campo is MOVING AWAY TO CALIFORNIA in two weeks, and he asked me to visit several times for YEARS; thus, I am finally making good on that promise to him before he goes. My question(s) to you are: what, are you jealous or something? And why am I the ONLY one you're focusing on, since no one else has visited either? You have yet to explain to me exactly HOW it's HONESTLY MY FAULT that no one visits you; and I don't want to hear the excuse of, "People follow your lead." because that's bullshit, I never held a gun to anyone's head, nor have I EVER told anyone not to visit you. I never said I held Campo's friendship above yours; that's you putting words in my mouth. Now, I’m well aware that you will read this and call bullshit on everything that I’ve said; however, I said this in the interest of fairness and friendship anyway, because I believe that you ARE capable of acting more adult and fair about this situation. Please, prove me right on that. Or, prove me wrong. In short, I am wanting to talk about this issue, face to face, man to man.
The worst part about all this is: I should be pissed, being labeled like that; being blamed for other people’s actions like this. I should go ape-shit and deliver a bitching out. I would have every right. But instead, I play the fair card like I always do, which more often than not only gets me stepped on and attacked even more. Maybe I’m an idiot…a big, stupid, FAIR idiot who holds friendships in such a high regard that I let too much shit slide.
Karaoke was fun last night. Some people from Vince’s Council blog were there. I got to tell that Francesca girl some truths about Jay. Sweet.
Quilled Tunes: “Judith” – A Perfect Circle
Quote of the Blog: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” – C. S. Lewis
First of all, thank you for allowing anonymous comments. i dont have a blog nor do i care to have one so i can at least comment on yours. Other people complain because they dont get comments but they dont allow anonymous comments.
Secondly, Dan, you need to grow up and not be so pissed at everything. You come home all the time and we see you all the time. We dont have the money to constantly go out of town and we never see Dan C. so this is different. It is a special situtaion. you wouldnt even know anything about it if you hadnt been looking at all my personal shit. I remember saying one time that steve and i would come visit you and you said not to. Doesnt matter the circumstances, you said not to when i offered.
Bottom line: We see you all the time. Get over it!
Thirdly, How dare you say that Steve thinks the world will end if he isnt around. What the hell are you talking about. Please, Steve is a successful and married man who doesnt feel the need to always be around. He never gets pissed when things go on and he isnt there like some people.
I am so tired of everyone blaming everything on Steve. If you all only knew how kind he was. We constantly fight over the fact that Erich has shit on him and he still keeps calling and trying to patch things up. So how dare you say that.
Erich has deserved everything he has gotten. He is the one who dropped everyone. He was playing nice to Scott until he realized Scott wasnt going to be in his wedding. What kind of shit is that? Erich gets pissed at everything little thing and now i hear he is pissed about the Halloween plans. He doesnt have to be involved if he doesnt want to. We started making plans because no one else was. Somebody had to do it and i love to plan things so why not?
Steve doesnt feel like anyone 'needs' him as Dan put it. Please. Get a clue. Grow up and stop being such a baby. If anyone else does something or says something it just gets laughed off or excused. And Dan, when has erich come to visit you? are you pissed?
Dan, its no offense to you but of course i am going to be on Steve's side sometimes. I get tired of him being blamed and ridiculed for everything. There have been times though when i have stuck up for you over Steve but i dont get heard because i am married to him and some think that i wouldnt go against him.
Just know Dan, that when steve is in the wrong i do not side with him. I have strong feelings about things and if i know he is in the wrong he will definately hear about it.
Forgot to post my name. i know you all know it was me but just in case i am letting you know now that the last post was by Heather.
I can let things roll off to a point, but not retarded shit like this. This is something that just didn't need to be bitched about. So I went to visit Campo, so what? It's none of Dan's business what I do with my weekends anyway, it's not like I owe my time to doing any one specific thing...
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