Friday, December 02, 2005

The White House: "Those Democratic congressional leaders who try to suggest that we don't have a plan are deeply irresponsible."

Quill: As irresponsible as, say, rushing into a war ill-prepared and without backup? As irresponsible as twisting the facts to garnish support for an Iraq war, such as claiming the "known" existence of WMDs when there ARE none, and connection to the 9/11 terrorist attacks when there isn't any? As irresponsible as persisting with one of the largest military mistakes in the history of the world just to avoid admitting fault, at the cost of the lives of our troops and the reputation of the United States with the rest of the world?

Thanks, Kettle...and now, back to Mr. Pot.

You think the soldiers don't know they were sent into a cluster-fuck situation? You think at least some of them don't know that this cause is hopeless? What's the matter, afraid that if enough soldiers get a fire lit under them by the Dems that they'll just stop pressing your little campaign of "righteousness"? I think you are. I think that's why you play on their sense of loyalty and justice and patriotism that largely fueled their enlistment in the first place. Just what would you do if they refused to continue with "your" war? For all your bolstering about bravery, you're all just cowards, afraid of the power that the Democrats represent; afraid of it because you know goddamned good and well that it's only a matter of time before you lose your grip on things around here. You're grasp is slipping. Sip on that fact, for all it's bitterness to you...

Isn't it funny how it's alright for Bush and his brood to criticize anything they feel is worthy - such as same-sex marriage, the entire Democratic party, etc....but the moment Bush's very-clear mistake is brought into play, they whine and cry like a three-year-old over how it's not fair and un-American to do so.

@ The Bush Administration: Laugh now; we'll laugh last. No leader or organization in the history of our country has committed more acts against simple morality as you. Whatever your fate in the future, karma is going to bite you in the ass. Even if you continue to score "victories" for your own agendas, your legacy will not be able to be spun into something great - history will remember you as the worst leader of the free world, who's decisions were made with selfish intent and stupidity. You will be cast into the same category of the Bin Ladens and the Hitlers; for you are a terrorist yourself, seperated from the rest only by a very thin line, getting thinner by the day.


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