...Therakos is coming!...
The official drinking game list for Friday Fright Fest has been drawn.
It's been a real trial by fire at work lately...I jump from task to task, each one more daunting and confusing than the rest. What's cool about all that is the fact that despite not really knowing exactly how to attack these jobs, I'm getting the job done on time, and more importantly, up to expectations. I wouldn't exactly call it 100% "success" and "advancement"; but it's nearly the same thing. It also speaks of my abilities, which eases my apprehensions overall anyway.
Enough about all that.
We ushered in the New Year with a very high sense of drama. Everyone played their parts, be it for good or ill. Things are still in the recuperative stage. I wanna start this thing right by apologizing for my own over-reactions to certain things said and done. There were better, more diplomatic ways of conducting my behavior.
I'm gonna take the opportunity to play the "you're an asshole" card - in reference to our wonderful forum board - in a "much nicer way". Bottom line is this: treating someone like shit - out of the blue, without prior attempts to resolve things in a more adult manner - is never justified. I don't care who got drunk and did/said whatever. It's never justified. Ever.
To those who have already settled the matter, none of this applies to you. But to those who still have to deliver apologies owed - and, deny it or not, you know who you are - you need to get on the ball, or resign yourself to being viewed in certain lights for the foreseeable future.
Yeah, I know it's old news...but I wanted to say it, and this is my journal, so...suck it. Just kidding. But do suck if you feel the desire to...I have toothpaste available - in a wide variety of flavors - for those of you with particular palates *hint hint*... (Oh, Timmy...wait, stop, stop!...)
Now that we got past that stuff....
Hung with Nix last night. Watched Pumpkinhead. Awesome flick. Andy came by for a bit, too...I'm in the process of pirating a crapload of movies from his collection. Oh yes, that's all we need, right?...more movies! But hey, they ARE free...well, save for the cost of the DVD recordables. (Shut up.)
The Dark Tower has completely sucked me in. It's getting good. Oh so fucking good.
Heather's loving her school year so far. I'm so excited and happy for her...I love it when the people around me succeed and prosper, it just makes me feel good about life. I'm not kidding about that either.
I've never really done a free-thought blog entry before this, have I? I don't believe I have. Let me know what you all think...
Well steve great job on the blog, more interesting to read things that are going on with everyday issues and things I can relate to. That politic stuff, well no offense Steve, but man has to go. I think I hear enough of that from the News. But good job. Oh and you still dont have my homepage on here. What the ____ is that all about? lol Talk to you later.
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