Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Guess I voted for the right guy to match my views...

86% Barack Obama
84% John Edwards
84% Hillary Clinton
83% Chris Dodd
81% Bill Richardson
76% Joe Biden
75% Dennis Kucinich
73% Mike Gravel
50% Rudy Giuliani
46% John McCain
35% Mike Huckabee
35% Mitt Romney
24% Tom Tancredo
24% Fred Thompson
19% Ron Paul

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

Thursday, October 04, 2007

National Film Challenge '07

Hey...been awhile! And do I have news...

The National Film Challenge has enough St. Louis participants to warrant a screening of all the short films to be submitted -- and Bug-Juice Productions is one of the teams this year rising to the occasion the weekend of Oct. 19th-22nd! Come to the Tivoli Theatre in the U-City Loop on Oct. 25th, and not only support independent, amateur film, but also check out Bug-Juice Productions on the big screen!!

Mark your calendars!

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

New things...? For real??

Hey ladies and gents...it's been too long on an update. Here's the skinny, short and sweet:


1) Job is going well; I am immersed in the submittal process for the casino project with C. Rallo, and doing well at it.

2) Life is pretty dandy. We are currently preparing for house hunting once again.


1) Work on the extended cut and DVD w/ extras for our 48 Hour Film opus "Bad Poker Night" continues slowly but surely.

2) Meatloaf has changed hands; Nix is no longer writer/director (and we hope he still has involvement with the project despite this) and those responsibilities are now on myself and Scott. The first sequence is rough-drafted, and is underway.

3) That archive of pre-2007 Bug-Juice stuff -- that I bet everyone thought was lost forever or forgotten about -- is about to enter into the digital transfer/restoration process. Joe may be able to do this himself; or we may have to pay to have it "professionally" done. And yes, this includes Claire-Bitch Project...

4)...and Claire-Bitch Project has outtakes and stuff that will eventually be put on either it's own DVD, or will be part of a larger DVD series project. First thing's first, though...let's save what we can first.

5) The Hollywood Murders -- a script that pre-dates even before Bug-Juice started by myself, Scott, and Jess Stamper -- is being developed to improve upon the cheesy and over-crowded stuff, and eventually into a screen play. One of our more longer-term and ambitious things. Jess is working on it right now; then Scott and I will do our parts for it.

6) Besides Meatloaf, Bad Poker Night, the archive, and Hollywood Murders -- damn, that's a lot of stuff! -- several NEW things are in the works, being written by various members of the team/group.

7) Animated. Bug-Juice. Curious? Stay tuned. ;) [Come on, I had to throw a shameless teaser in there about something, didn't I? That's half the fun!!]

8) Yes, to answer the question we are plagued by constantly -- there IS a sequel coming for another Spook Seekers segment. Have patience.

Hopefully that is enough to tide you all over...I have to get back to work!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

48 Hours

Finally a new post.

The 48 Hour Film Project was this weekend. Almost every imaginable thing tried to stop us, but it didn't. We made a movie. And, much to my joy, we were on par with most of the films in our group; a handful of them of course blew all others out of the water because they were uber-impressive and awesome...but we didn't suck. Our comedy got laughs. Some may not like it; but we do, and more importantly, so did several of the other filmmakers and the audience. :)

I present to you..."Bad Poker Night" - a comedy short-film.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Allergy Attack

Today is my second day on the job at C. Rallo Contracting. It is also the second day of a major allergy attack that has me feeling like shit on ice right now. Not to worry, for I am on Ibuprofen, Allegra-D (my allergy meds), and some DayQuil. I actually got sleep last night, suprisingly.

Ah well, into the fray I go. Hope you all have a good day!

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The Quilled Matrix