Wednesday, May 25, 2005

...a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Things are good. :)

I'm being give more and more to do at work, which gives me experience and knowledge (not to mention it's fun for me - I love it), which will [eventually] benefit me monetarily.

Yesterday, I went to Scott's place in the late afternoon, had lunch with him and Corey, and then check out his bathroom. He's considering remodelling it, and I was there on business taking notes and drawing sketches. There's no guarantee he's going to go with LaClair, but we'll see what happens.

I got to learn how to play Texas Hold 'Em (poker). I'm not terrible at it, as it turns out; I just need to work on knowing when to fold and when to bet, so I last a bit longer. Getting lucky with the cards is only a small part of things.

After that, Heather arrived around 5:00 and we went to dinner. Heather hadn't known if she was going or not, but it ended up working out that way.

We watched Star Wars Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith. It was a bootlegged copy, but I felt okay about watching it because I'm going to go with my dad to see it either way. (Lucas will get his grubby mitts on my money, so don't worry.) It was good. Really good. If only the last two movies were anywhere near that good...but they sucked, and RotS didn't suck at all.

I got to talk with Nix about Loaf film matters, and I'm going to be doing my best to get the information we need about supplies, FX, equipment, etc.

@Nix: Congratulations on your "successful failure". ;)

Oh, and the lamenting is done. Just thought I'd let you all know. ;)

17 days left until the party event of the year takes place. Prepare.

Quilled Tunes: "Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls


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